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Monday, July 26, 2010

Eating and Fitness Blogging

Okay fitness peeps!

I really need to get my eating on track, and the only way that I can do that is by holding myself accountable!!! I will be writing down everything that I eat each day, and then writing my food intake as well as my exercise for the day every night before I go to bed. This is going to help me to see what I am really eating, and hopefully see where I am falling short. A fresh day, and a fresh start!!! :)


P.S. Stay tuned for my first eating blog tonight!!! :)


  1. Awesome! Go Erin! Good luck on all your goals you are going to do great!

  2. You're a brave girl :-). I'm tracking mine as well but seem to avoid writing it down if it's bad! Had a guest bring Peanut M&Ms to my house- there is only so much I can take!
