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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What do you want out of life?

When you subtract out the sleeping time, commuting time, working time and things you have to do each and every day of your life, most people don’t have more than one to two hours a day to do what they would like to do - and then, would they have the money to do it?

We have discovered a way a person can learn how to “Own their life” by building a home-based business; and we have a system for doing it that is so simple anyone can do it. It doesn’t require selling, and the best part is it won’t take much of your time. If you are interested, please join us below!

Join two Beachbody diamond coaches...Sarah Murphy and Erin Effenheim...and learn how they have lost over 130 lbs combined using Beachbody products such as TurboFire, P90X, Insanity, and Shakeology. We will also talk to you about how coaching has changed our lives in regards to finances as well. How would you like to get physically fit and financially fit at the same time?!!  Join us from the comfort of your own computer and see what Beachbody is all about!!!

Saturday, December 4th at 10am CST  http://my.dimdim.com/sarahmurphy
Thursday, December 9th at 8pm CST  http://my.dimdim.com/eringettingfit

Friday, November 26, 2010

Being thankful...

I know it's technically not Thanksgiving anymore, but I still wanted to talk about what I'm thankful for. My life four years ago was in turmoil, and I am eternally grateful for a lot of the choices I made. Here are a few highlights of the many things I'm thankful for...

  1. My son - Jake is my world, and I am thankful everyday to have him in my life. Being a single mother is hard, but he is definitely worth it!!! When people ask you what you would change in your life, I would never change the fact that I have him. He is the best think in my life, and for that...I'm so thankful.
  2. My parents and brother - I have the most supportive family, and the best brother I could ever ask for. My parents supported me when I was at my low...going through some really tough stuff. They help me so much with Jake, and give me unconditional love. I couldn't ask for a better support system.
  3. My friends - I have wonderful friends that I'm so thankful for. I have my high school friends, my college friends, my grad school friends, my co-workers, and my Beachbody friends. I always have people to talk to when I am having a rough day, and a few friends (you know who you are) have really stepped up these past few months to be there for me.
  4. My Beachbody family - I have met so many wonderful people in these past five months. I have made some life-long friendships with people that I've never even met. The people that I surround myself with while doing this business are so caring, and would do anything for me. Everyone I have met...other coaches and my customers, have changed my life and myself for the better. They make me so thankful!!!
  5. My education - I am extremely grateful for all I have accomplished with my schooling since having my son. I finished my Bachelors, my Masters, am currently working on my Personal Training certificate, and have plans to eventually earn a Master's in nutrition, and a PhD (what in is TBD).
  6. Beachbody - I am thankful to Sarah Murphy, Barbie Decker, Tonda Walls, Domari Dickinson, April Ashford, Chalene Johnson, Tony Horton, Larry Zimberg, Carl Daikeler, and my team of coaches and customers. Without them I wouldn't love what I do and I wouldn't be in the shape that I'm currently in. The accountability I feel towards each of these people means so much to me!!! All the personal development that I have done for myself and my business has made me a better person. I love how meaningful and purposeful my life has gotten since joining on with Team Beachbody. I can never repay any of these people for the difference they have made in my life. Thank you Team Beachbody!!!
I just wanted to share a little bit of what I'm thankful for this year, and I know 2011 will be my best year yet. I love my family, my friends, and my job...and wouldn't change a thing! If you want to change your life, send me a message. I am here to help, and guide all of the people I care about towards financial freedom and physical health.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Fitness Struggles

I'm going to go all the way back to June 2006. I was about five months pregnant with my son when everything started to fall apart in my life. I was being abused (both mentally and physically) but my son's father. He would punch me in the stomach, push me against the wall by the neck, and break stuff in the home. Punching holes in the wall was common. All of this was due to alcoholism and an addiction to cocaine and marijuana. This had been going on a year, but I just didn't realize that I had to leave. After he punched me in my pregnant stomach for the first time, I left! I moved from Minneapolis to Lake Geneva, WI and moved back in with my parents. I had no job, no education, and was seriously depressed and anxious. Luckily the local vet clinic hired me as a receptionist, and I had my son. After he was born I went into post-partum depression and had no clue what I was going to do with my life. I ended up having a social worker that was horrible, so I decided that I should go to school to be a social worker. I was extremely interested in working in child protection, so I started school full-time January 2007. I was still battling depression, so I still wan't doing anything for myself. It took me until February 2008 to realize that I had more changes to make. I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting on February 9th 2008, my 28th Birthday...weighing in at 218 pounds...a size 18! I started eating right and attending Zumba. I love Zumba, and the weight was just falling off. By February 2009, I was down 40 pounds...178 pounds!!! I stopped going to meetings, and sparingly went to Zumba. School was getting stressful...it was almost time to start my internship and I was applying for graduate school. I went through a whole summer of 40 hours-per-week at an internship, grad school classes two nights a week, and working 20 hours-per-week at Starbucks. Besides all of this, I was trying to raise my 2-year-old son! The weight went back on...bringing me up to 185 pounds. In October 2009 I decided to sign-up to be a Beachbody coach. I started using Slim in 6...hated it. Then I turned to Turbo Jam. Thanks to Turbo Jam I lost 10 pounds...bringing me back to 175 pounds. Again, life got stressful, but this time I only let it rise 5 pounds to 180. I was so stressed out that I wasn't putting any work into my Beachbody business or myself. I finished grad school in June 2010, started coaching with Beachbody again, and got started on P90X. Soon TurboFire came out, and I got on that band-wagon, getting back down to 175. Throughout all this yo-yoing...my doctor told me I had to maintain, so I added ChaLEAN Extreme and Shakeology into the mix...getting down to my lowest weight of 169 pounds...a size 8!!! I have become very successful with my Beachbody business, and I am proud of what I have accomplished! I've received my certifications in Turbo Kick and Zumba, and am now completing my Personal Training certificate. I am still having personal issues with my weight...going between 170 and 176 pounds...hoping to finally reach that goal weight of 150 pounds by June 2011. I have an ultimate goal of doing fitness full-time, and that's also looking to be a reality by November 2012!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Blogging...quick like

Okay everybody...I don't have much time, but I wanted to do a quick blog! I have been having an amazing and relaxing weekend. I talked to a lot of people about our up-and-coming Virtual Home Party and more about coaching. This is honestly the best time to sign-up as a Beachbody coach because of the free sign-up...plus you can offer the same free sign-up to your new coaches.

I can't say it enough...Beachbody has changed my life! I am less depressed, healthy, fit, happy, and actually enjoying my job. I feel like I have the best of both worlds...being able to work as a social worker (which I love) and working in fitness (which I love even more)!!! This goal of doing fitness full-time in 2012 is really looking like a reality, a purchase of my first home in June is actually going to happen, and I have a wonderfully supportive family...life couldn't be any better!

Tomorrow starts my three-day work week and four-day weekend! I am so excited to actually have Thanksgiving off to be with my family...it will be an amazing weekend with those who I love!!! What are you doing for Thanksgiving? What are you thankful for? What are you looking forward to in this upcoming new year?

If you want some fitness advice or motivation...contact me! It's honestly my specialty...I'm here to help!!!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life Priorities

I have been listening to Chalene Johnson's CarSmart for my personal development this week, and she talks a lot about life priorities. I have been thinking for the past few days about my top five life priorities, and I think I'm finally ready to write them down and share them with my closest "friends."

My Top Five Life Priorities
1. To be financially successful, and easily provide for my family.
2. To be at a point financially that I can stay home with my son.
3. Be a good mother for my son, providing everything he deserves.
4. Be physically fit and healthy, while motivating those closest to me to do the same.
5. Be available to my friends and family at a minutes notice.

What are your top five life priorities? You should seriously think about what your priorities are...it is a huge part of setting goals and accomplishing them. When I first thought about my priorities, I always thought that my son was my first priority. Then I listened to Chalene talk about priorities. She said, "Don't say your family is your priority when you are spending most of your time working or trying to build your business." I know that I was saying my son was my priority because if I didn't say that I was a bad mother...but, really I am being a good mother by putting my financial success first.

If I am financially successful and am able to stay home with him, I will eventually be putting him first. Isn't that what all single parents want? I have to put my financial success first so that I can provide, and stay home with him like I truly want to. Then I won't miss one soccer game, be able to take him to swimming lessons, be able to afford to take him to Disney World, buy a home that we can both enjoy. These are all things that I want, and can accomplish thanks to Beachbody. Before starting coaching for Beachbody, I never thought I would be financially free...but now I am seriously seeing it happening in the next two years. Don't you want financial freedom for yourself and your family like I do?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I know that I've been scarce with my blogs, especially my video blogs...but I do have an excuse! I have been sick with a sinus infection since Friday...I have even taken that leap and am taking a sick day at work today. I have been laying in my bed, thinking about what success means to me. To me, I find success in being able to provide for my family. I don't feel that I am at that point yet. True...the Beachbody business is going great, ad I love my career in child protection, but I consistently want more! I have a non-typical living situation as I am living with parents and my 4-year-old son. As a single parent, I think I always want more for myself and my son. I want to be able to buy my first home, I want to go one week without having to put either groceries or gas on my credit card. It is true that I now have a fairly well paying job, but I was so in the hole when I began that I haven't been able to dig myself out yet.

I mostly wanted to talk about my ultimate goal in life, and share it with my friends. My ultimate goal is for Beachbody to help me obtain the ability to stay at home with my son. I want to be well-off financially, have the ability to purchase a home and new car, and pay off all of my debt. I want to be able to provide for my son what I had growing up. My Beachbody business is going well, and if it continues in this direction I should be able to quit my job November 2012...making more money in one year than I've made in my whole lifetime.

Beachbody is an amazing company that already has twelve millionaires, with the hope of having many more. CEO, Carl Daikeler, wants all of his coaches to succeed. This is why he has implemented free sign-up to any new coach that signs up between now and December 31st...but why wait? I want to have all of my new coaches trained and at the Emerald rank before the January rush starts. Wouldn't you much rather know how to run you business successfully and take advantage of the huge influx of customers we are going to get with the new year? I know a lot of people that don't want to start their new exercise regime until the new year, but why are you waiting? If you sign-up to be a coach today, you can take advantage of the 25% discount on Shakeology and workout programs. Why not buy a new workout program for your loved one for Christmas? Again...why are you waiting?

This business is changing lives. It has changed my life into a life that is so much better!!! I now have self-confidence, have no problem talking to strangers about what Beachbody has done for me. I love to share why I got into this business, and I just want to help others to loose weight and change lives. I am a social worker, so I feel that my calling in life is to help people. Why not help someone save their own life by loosing that weight that is killing them every single day. I love all of my coaches and customers, and honestly know them all individually. I have met so many great people, and am changing lives every day. Please contact me about how you can change not only your life, but the life of others. Don't wait until the end of the year...start now!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Shakeology Competition November 7th-13th

Okay everyone...here's the down-low on how you can win two weeks of Shakeology for free!

All you have to do is...
1. "Like" my fan page, Erin Getting Fit, on Facebook.
2. Suggest my fan page to as many people as you can.
3. Follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/eringettingfit

After you do these three things, send me a personal message or post on my wall to let me know what you've done. If you are already following me on Twitter and "like" my fan page, you can still win by suggesting that people like my page. If you do the above steps, your name will be placed in a drawing for two weeks of Shakeology for free!

I do have a whole month's worth of Shakeology that I plan on giving away next week on Sunday. If you do the above three things, and sign-up to be a coach under my team, your name will be placed in a separate drawing for a second two weeks of Shakeology. That way you have a chance to win one month of Shakeology for free!!! If you have any questions...let me know! Good luck!!! :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Beachbody Goals for 2010

My goals for this week are to sign one more coach, and help one of my coaches sign a coach. I also intend to connect with each of my coaches once this week, and I'm totally on track with that.

For the month of November I am going to sign a total of four of my own coaches, and get four of my coaches to Emerald...hence, making me Diamond! I'm also working on following up with my current coaches to get them all active. I am going to continue with the Game Plan and attempt to do one Team Call a month directly with my downline.

By the end of the year I am going to have 10 of my coaches to Emerald, have a total of 20 personally sponsored coaches, and be on my way to one-star diamond by Summit. I also plan on loosing 15 more pounds in the next two months, making me 10 pounds from my goal. I am going to stick with my P90X/ChaLEAN Extreme/TurboFire hybrid and work on my Turbo Kick certification so I can start teaching in January.

My long-term goal is to be able to quit my full-time job November 2012...two years from now!