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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weight Watchers...round three,four,or five...I lost count!!!

So, tomorrow I am starting Weight Watchers for either the third, fourth, or fifth time. I really need to find something that works and stick to it. My biggest problem when it comes to my own health and weight loss is that I get bored. I can track well for a few weeks, sometimes even a few months, and then I just stop doing it. I am a major food addict...probably why I let myself get up to 220 pounds about six years ago. I LOVE FOOD!!! ...especially fast food, potatoes, greasy chinese food, high calorie Starbucks drinks, mountain dew, and lots and lots of butter.

I honestly do know how to lose weight, keep it off, and eat healthy. I lost 50 pounds in 2008 with a combination of Weight Watchers and Zumba. I started off at 220 pounds due to being pregnant with my son after leaving an abusive relationship, and not really caring what I ate during my pregnancy or for the year and a half after giving birth. I was depressed, and just wanted to sit on my couch watching television and eating. Then one day I had an epiphany! I saw a picture of myself right before my 28th birthday and didn't recognize the person I saw.

Sure, I had looked in the mirror tons of time during my "fat times," but I still hadn't "seen" myself for what I had truly become. On my 28th Birthday I went to a Weight Watchers Meeting and weighed in at a whoping 218 pounds...a size 18! I could not believe the numbers I was seeing, and vowed on that day to lose the weight and reach my set goal of 150 pounds. I'm 5'9" and should be between 135 and 165 pounds, so I felt that 150 was right in the middle. That day I also signed up for Zumba at my local YMCA three times per week, and I was set. I put myself whole-heartedly into my own transformation, and lost 54 pounds weighing in at 164 pounds...a size 8 by the end of 2009.

I bet you're thinking, a 54 pound weight loss is great, but why not go all the way? Reach that 150 pound goal? 68 pounds would be even more impressive!Well, I was in the middle of grad school, was happy being within my healthy range, and had a pretty high self-esteem (for me). With how busy I was as a single mother, working full-time, doing an internship, and in grad school, I kinda let myself slip. I stopped tracking, but still kept going to my exercise classes. I basically stayed the same weight for a good six months, just eating healthy, allowing myself a few treats sometimes, and still exercising.

Upon completing grad school, I was having a really hard time finding a job. That's when I discovered Team Beachbody, and some great workout programs. I started out with P90X, and added in TurboFire. As I coach, I was also able to get other workout programs for CHEAP! I have so many workout programs now...TurboFire, Turbo Jam, P90X, Power 90, P90X+, RevAbs, Hip Hop Abs, INSANITY, ChaLEAN Extreme, Slim in 6, Yoga Booty Ballet, Les Mills Pump, Brazil Butt Lift. How many have I actually completed? Just two...TurboFire and P90X. I ask myself why?

Well, I think I've figured that one out. I get so bored so easily. Yeah...I can track and do everything I  need to do with my eating, but I will have one cheat meal, feel guilty, and just stop. I think it's the same way with my exercise. I get started on a program, miss a few days, and just quit! I NEED to fully invest myself in a program, complete it in it's entirety with the meal plan, and show myself that I can complete something. I will be doing this with Les Mills Combat in just three weeks. I am excited to commit myself, and know that I HAVE to do this!

I honestly don't know what I weight right now, but I know that my size 10s are barely fitting me so it's time for a change. Tomorrow I get on that scale, get out the measuring tape, and set that final goal of reaching 150 pounds. If I've already made it to 164 pounds once I know I can get down there, and smash that number replacing it with 150. My goal is to reach 150 pounds by the end of 2013...and KEEP IT OFF!!!

Please follow me on this journey! I could use all the support I can get......


  1. Love it & you got this girl! I'm sending you warm fuzzies from Louisiana!

  2. Wish we lived closer so we could work out together. You would probably be the motivation I need to get back at it consistently.

    I also think I need to update my Google profile!
