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Thursday, December 16, 2010

What coaching is really about...

I've been hearing from frustrations from many coaches lately about the difficulties of signing new coaches, even with the free coach sign-up. I figured my blog would be a great place to address them. I of all people know how hard it is to sign new coaches. The business goes in spurts for me. There are some points in time where I'll be signing two coaches a week, and then I can go a few weeks without signing any coaches at all. This month is a tough time to sign coaches because everyone is just so busy in December. I have a few tips on how I go about it, and I hope it helps!!!

  1. If you're talking to someone and they just don't seem interested in coaching move one. Larry Zimberg says, "Instead of talking to the same 20 people five times, talk to 100 new people." Some people just aren't ready to be a coach, and that's just fine. Work with the willing.
  2. If you have talked to all your friends and family already that's okay, meet new people and make new friends. I do talk to my friends and family, but I also really really concentrate on meeting new people with the same interests as me online...Facebook, Twitter, MySpace...they all work. Don't just pitch them the business...get to know them on a personal level.
  3. Be a product of the product. Maybe you don't think you've lost enough weight yet to sign new coaches. If you feel that way, other people will sense that and feel it too. If you started this business to be accountable to your own weight loss, tell people that! Tell them, "I'm really doing this business to work on myself. Why don't you join me?" Maybe you don't pitch them the coaching "opportunity"...pitch it as a way to get a great discount on products that will really help them get fit and healthy. Talk them into being your accountability partner.
  4. If someone doesn't want to join you team, don't take it personal. I get many "no's," and I know that they're saying "no" to the business, not me. If they're not interested, I don't really care. Then I need to find someone new to replace them on my list.
  5. If they seemed interested at one point, and then decided they weren't interested keep them as a friend on Facebook. As you succeed (in your business or your own weight loss), they will come back and talk to you. People want to be involved with people that are successful.
  6. The most important thing is to stay positive!!! If you are posting negative things on facebook or replying to other people's posts in a negative manner, people will see it. Would you want to join someone's team if they are always putting themselves or others down. Let's stay positive, and concentrate on changing people's lives instead of concentrating on signing coaches and making money. I haven't signed a new coach in almost two weeks, but I know that I am having an impact on my current coaches, customers, and friends. By running fitness challenges and giving people positive fitness advice, you are truly making a difference.
I hope this has been helpful to my frustrated coaches, or my friends that are considering doing this business. It is true that this business has ups and downs, but if you can stick with it you will find success. I have failed at a dozen Network Marketing opportunities in the past...Team Beachbody is the only one I've been successful at. It is challenging and takes a lot of work, but the rewards are what keeps me doing it. I love helping people be successful in their business, as well as their fitness. Helping people is why I do this business, and I'm hoping that by this summer I will be working in fitness full-time. There is no bigger high for me than hearing how the people in my fitness challenge are loosing weight, exercising, and eating clean. I love what I'm doing, and I just want people to realize how amazing this business is...even with all he frustrations and challenges.

If you are willing to help other people get fit and healthy...join my team! There are 16 more days of free coach sign-up, so you need to take action soon! Do you just want to be a coach for the 25% off discount and the fitness aspect of it? If that's what you want make sure you sign-up and order your new fitness program by December 21st so you get started on your fitness January 1st.

I am still giving that free bag of Chocolate Shakeology away to someone who signs up on my team before the end of the year. Also, don't forget about this week's Virtual Home Parties! Tonight (Thursday) at 8pm CST and Sunday at 7pm CST. Be sure that you register at http://my.dimdim.com/eringettingfit. If you have any questions about Beachbody, fitness, nutrition, etc...you know the drill!

Coach Erin
Diamond Beachbody Coach

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