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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Fitness Struggles

I'm going to go all the way back to June 2006. I was about five months pregnant with my son when everything started to fall apart in my life. I was being abused (both mentally and physically) but my son's father. He would punch me in the stomach, push me against the wall by the neck, and break stuff in the home. Punching holes in the wall was common. All of this was due to alcoholism and an addiction to cocaine and marijuana. This had been going on a year, but I just didn't realize that I had to leave. After he punched me in my pregnant stomach for the first time, I left! I moved from Minneapolis to Lake Geneva, WI and moved back in with my parents. I had no job, no education, and was seriously depressed and anxious. Luckily the local vet clinic hired me as a receptionist, and I had my son. After he was born I went into post-partum depression and had no clue what I was going to do with my life. I ended up having a social worker that was horrible, so I decided that I should go to school to be a social worker. I was extremely interested in working in child protection, so I started school full-time January 2007. I was still battling depression, so I still wan't doing anything for myself. It took me until February 2008 to realize that I had more changes to make. I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting on February 9th 2008, my 28th Birthday...weighing in at 218 pounds...a size 18! I started eating right and attending Zumba. I love Zumba, and the weight was just falling off. By February 2009, I was down 40 pounds...178 pounds!!! I stopped going to meetings, and sparingly went to Zumba. School was getting stressful...it was almost time to start my internship and I was applying for graduate school. I went through a whole summer of 40 hours-per-week at an internship, grad school classes two nights a week, and working 20 hours-per-week at Starbucks. Besides all of this, I was trying to raise my 2-year-old son! The weight went back on...bringing me up to 185 pounds. In October 2009 I decided to sign-up to be a Beachbody coach. I started using Slim in 6...hated it. Then I turned to Turbo Jam. Thanks to Turbo Jam I lost 10 pounds...bringing me back to 175 pounds. Again, life got stressful, but this time I only let it rise 5 pounds to 180. I was so stressed out that I wasn't putting any work into my Beachbody business or myself. I finished grad school in June 2010, started coaching with Beachbody again, and got started on P90X. Soon TurboFire came out, and I got on that band-wagon, getting back down to 175. Throughout all this yo-yoing...my doctor told me I had to maintain, so I added ChaLEAN Extreme and Shakeology into the mix...getting down to my lowest weight of 169 pounds...a size 8!!! I have become very successful with my Beachbody business, and I am proud of what I have accomplished! I've received my certifications in Turbo Kick and Zumba, and am now completing my Personal Training certificate. I am still having personal issues with my weight...going between 170 and 176 pounds...hoping to finally reach that goal weight of 150 pounds by June 2011. I have an ultimate goal of doing fitness full-time, and that's also looking to be a reality by November 2012!!!

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