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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life Priorities

I have been listening to Chalene Johnson's CarSmart for my personal development this week, and she talks a lot about life priorities. I have been thinking for the past few days about my top five life priorities, and I think I'm finally ready to write them down and share them with my closest "friends."

My Top Five Life Priorities
1. To be financially successful, and easily provide for my family.
2. To be at a point financially that I can stay home with my son.
3. Be a good mother for my son, providing everything he deserves.
4. Be physically fit and healthy, while motivating those closest to me to do the same.
5. Be available to my friends and family at a minutes notice.

What are your top five life priorities? You should seriously think about what your priorities are...it is a huge part of setting goals and accomplishing them. When I first thought about my priorities, I always thought that my son was my first priority. Then I listened to Chalene talk about priorities. She said, "Don't say your family is your priority when you are spending most of your time working or trying to build your business." I know that I was saying my son was my priority because if I didn't say that I was a bad mother...but, really I am being a good mother by putting my financial success first.

If I am financially successful and am able to stay home with him, I will eventually be putting him first. Isn't that what all single parents want? I have to put my financial success first so that I can provide, and stay home with him like I truly want to. Then I won't miss one soccer game, be able to take him to swimming lessons, be able to afford to take him to Disney World, buy a home that we can both enjoy. These are all things that I want, and can accomplish thanks to Beachbody. Before starting coaching for Beachbody, I never thought I would be financially free...but now I am seriously seeing it happening in the next two years. Don't you want financial freedom for yourself and your family like I do?

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! When I saw Craig Holiday speak in Maryland he talked about listing your priorities, and then listing your daily activities. He pointed out that if your daily activities don't support your priorities, then you shouldn't be a part of those activities! For example, you can't say that your financial success is a priority if you're doing nothing to build your Beachbody business on a daily basis!! He made such a good point that now there are certain things that I know I can't afford to do (like watch 2 hours of tv) because they aren't aligned with my priorities! Thanks for sharing Erin......I mean Diamond Girl! ; )
