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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Beachbody Goals for 2010

My goals for this week are to sign one more coach, and help one of my coaches sign a coach. I also intend to connect with each of my coaches once this week, and I'm totally on track with that.

For the month of November I am going to sign a total of four of my own coaches, and get four of my coaches to Emerald...hence, making me Diamond! I'm also working on following up with my current coaches to get them all active. I am going to continue with the Game Plan and attempt to do one Team Call a month directly with my downline.

By the end of the year I am going to have 10 of my coaches to Emerald, have a total of 20 personally sponsored coaches, and be on my way to one-star diamond by Summit. I also plan on loosing 15 more pounds in the next two months, making me 10 pounds from my goal. I am going to stick with my P90X/ChaLEAN Extreme/TurboFire hybrid and work on my Turbo Kick certification so I can start teaching in January.

My long-term goal is to be able to quit my full-time job November 2012...two years from now!

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