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Sunday, October 10, 2010

90 Days to Diamond - Week 1 Reflections and my own fitness journey

Hey everyone!

I know it's been a few weeks since I've blogged, but I have been pretty busy trying to fit in my full-time job, being a single mom, my workouts, and mentoring a quickly building team. On Monday I started doing 90 Days to Diamond with my Beachbody pal, Tonda. We are accountability partners, and since starting 90 Days to Diamond less than one week ago I have signed two new coaches. I am actually two personal coaches and two Emerald coaches away from being Diamond!!! I need to find two more leaders for my team, and two of the coaches I already have or the new coaches I sign have to get their own two coaches (becoming Emerald). Yeah...it's a little confusing, but I am going to work really hared to make sure that all six coaches that I have right now...Alex, Judy, Stewart, Sandra, Jose, and Ashley...are Emerald coaches within the next 30 days!!! That is my ultimate goal because I want to teach my team how to be successful...if they're successful, I'm successful!!! This is such a wonderful business that I want to share it with everyone!!!

I am also going to talk about my fitness journey today...share the frustrations I've had lately. I recently (on Monday actually) switched a Dairy-free Gluten-free diet. It has been going great, but I have been staying in the same place with my weight loss. I will be completely honest...for my first four weeks of my TurboFire-ChaLEAN Extreme hybrid I lost 10 pounds!!! I was starting to have a tough time getting double workouts in when I started my new job, so I switched back to doing the original TurboFire schedule. I just finished my third week, and have now gained 6 pounds! I am not going to completely blame TurboFire though because I have made other changes. I switched to a new job four weeks ago where I am sitting at a desk all day (not on my feet for 8 hours straight like I was at Starbucks). I also stopped tracking my calories. I think all of these factors have been impacting my weight loss, but I have a new plan as of Monday morning.

- continue with week 4 of TurboFire, but when there are short workouts under 30 minutes I will be adding in a ChaLEAN Extreme resistance workout to get in more weight lifting (I will workout 6 days/week)
- stick with my gluten-free dairy-free diet
- have one Shakeology for breakfast every day with no coffee
- count my calories every day with a goal of 1800 calories
- NO FAST FOOD, CANDY, or SODA whatsoever- besides doing my TurboFire in the mornings before work, I will get in a walk every evening
- still allow myself one cheat meal per week

If anyone is interested in joining a quickly growing team, and having personal assistance from me via telephone once a week...send me a message! I will help you reach Emerald in 30 days...that is my promise to you!!! Some great things are happening with Beachbody, and I want to share it all with you!!! View this video to learn more...

I also have Shakeology and P90X Recovery Formula samples if you are interested in trying it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I'm also on a Dairy-free Gluten-free diet! If you ever need help with substitutions or want ideas for where to get yummy tasting food, let me know. I've been doing this for a year and a half now. :) Congrats on your Emerald status too! Diamond is just around the corner.... ;)
